December 3, 2023
The Butterflies of Starting Something New
Have you ever started something new with enthusiasm and excitement? But then by the end of the day have you started to doubt your choice or even worse talk yourself out of it?
I ask because I have just returned from a week away full of new things to try! Some I conquered, some I sat back and watched -either way, I certainly experienced the butterflies that come with trying something new.
Quite often we feel a need to get things right the very first time, or we worry that we might not fit in well, or we compare ourselves to others. We have an inner voice that we allow to hold us back our sabotage us. But I think we can train this voice to be our best friend instead!
The thing I’d wanted to try most was paddle boarding. I've had numerous friends tell me how relaxing and fun it is. Whilst others have shared stories of cold-water dunks and injuries that still plague them today, so, I wasn't sure how it would go! That doubtful inner voice was getting hold of me.
Our first session had been cancelled due to high winds (prolonging the doubt!), but the day finally came with perfect weather and an empty lake, with the exception of a few swans.
To get myself out there, my inner best friend had to assure me "You've got this - you do Pilates every day for these exact moments in life!". Meanwhile, my 13-year-old son offered to film me and was preparing to name the video epic fails! Another reason we mums need to have an extra kind inner voice.
But I got out there! I found myself in the middle of the lake kneeling on my board and smiling. I was just so happy I’d got my butt out there.
All I had to do was stand up...then came all the what-ifs! What if I fall? What if I injure myself when I fall? How many epic fails will my son catch on video?
I drew on my Pilates mindfulness and took a deep breath (or several) and did as the instructor said. “Stand up confidently, don’t hesitate or doubt.”
I didn’t overthink or over analyse; I just stayed in the moment and gave it my best shot. And I certainly found that my Pilates squat to stand came in handy here!
It doesn't even matter how the paddle boarding experience turned out, or how good I was...it's the fact that I got out there and stood up that I want to celebrate!
What if you don’t overthink or talk yourself out of new experiences? I dare you to try that one thing you’ve had on your list, just give it a go! It might be the best thing you’ve done this summer.
Boost yourself with your inner best friend, and if you're struggling to do that - let me be that voice, you can do it!
Now I'm excited to be back at The Pilates Station and encouraging everyone to stand up without self-doubt and enjoy the butterflies of trying new things.
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